Wednesday, September 5, 2012


...the day to day existence
makes me wonder about subsistence
the clock strikes 9 and 5...d day passes without any action
i think of all, that i now call lost passion
it has become a story of mere existence..
existence, existence and only existence
how great it would be if life had more meaning
emptiness, and tending to life's unfinished business
living for dreams
probably the curtain of despair is hiding more than its thickness....

....a ray of hope, lurks on its fringes
if only i open the eye of thought and reason
But i fear to touch that fringe
that fear of the unknown
fear it burns and waste the attempt

got to come out and break the shackles
but wouldnt it be a waste not lifting the curtain...?
n see the bright sky waiting
for me to spread my wings and explore the beauty of my dreams
that were conceived innocently when...
i used to believe in the power of ME
the power of dreams
the power of will...

Monday, November 9, 2009

iran visit...

i went to iran for a week some time back....there has always been an element of mystery associated with this almost all the getting an opportunity to visit this culturally vibrant, architecturally rich, religiously active and mysterious country was more than a dream come true.....teheran was the first destination of urban city with its own share of skyscrapers, multistoreys, infrastructure and chaos.....i liked the City instantly and found certain things pretty small road side prayer places, where people would tie threads as they make a wish
.......a place which becomes a makeshift market for daily needs of the people but becomes a place of congregation and mourning and display of tazia during moharram ......a roadside playarea complete with swings for the kids and whoever wishes to come down and have a nice time with oneself..... one thing i noticed and was so peculiar was that its a common sight to see families enjoying their meals in the outdoors in the nicely manicured one bothers if its just a little green space along a busy road.......bikes with hoods and windscreen.....telephone booths of different colors on the roadside.........n when i saw a cinema hall....the posters were a treat to look at.........fruits are an integral part of the diet there that you realize and think in awe....that is the secret behind that beautiful skin .....:)

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

n it rained....

.....enjoying the first happy shower of Delhi in Lutyens Delhi was an experinece in itself....the lush green roads, the beautiful sky, the pitter patter of sounded like children laughing and playing....the trees looked so clean with all that inches of dirt and dust of urban delhi washed in it...i always wonder...what is it in rain that makes you happy....dnt the rains bring unknown happiness....a positive omen.....that good things are round the corner.....hopefully.....


Friday, March 27, 2009

Fort cochin..

it looked like a dream if waking up slowly from a sweet slumber on a lazy sunday....thats how fort cochin appeared to me on my second was love at first sight with this city....and my second visit seems to increase the affinity for the place....u turn one lane and you find a church...another turn and an old house converted into a beautiful cafetaria n gallery...whole city impeccable clean..a church here, a synagogue there, a dutch cemetry, old bungalows, chinese nets and the machchi market...jew street, spice market, fish market...dutch facades of houses....its a different world architectural treat for the senses....heaven for mavericks like me, for whom culture and heritage are the most beautiful aspects of the old cities...adding vibrancy and life....filling up the senses..

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

the drive of the dawn.. was just another day, and we headed to the home in the dawn, the drive was special ...the sun was hidden somewhere in the dark night...the car headlights lighting the road visibility and a prayer in the heart to reach home safely..(the driver is an expert in driving bt still :))..gradually the darkness gave way to the different shades of grey, pink, blues, reds......and it was a complete riot of colours there on the horizon......symbolic of the positive things going to happen in the times to come...showing that its the darkest before the dawn...the birds flying happily in the sky...playing, singing, merry making...the beautiful sky welcoming them.....a bonhomie all around....that drive brought back the me.....the faith that friends are always there to take care of you without any expectations, explanations and prejudices...they just accept you the way you are and handle you with all the care and love....god bless them...long people bought back ME.....
the beautiful memories, laughter and madness of the events that happened in the past days would be alive all through my life m sure.....


Sunday, February 1, 2009


So many worlds...
so much to achieve..
when may i ask will my soul be free...
but the living is in trying...
So Almighty help me....
the way you have helped me always...

help me to rise....
rise high..
above mean people and their mean plans...
away from selfish scheming people...
away from double standards and hypocrites..
from scoundrels..
from people who only know to play with your heart...n hurt your soul...

give me all the strength....
strength is all that i need to face this cruel world...
strength of mind..
help me to rise....
rise high...
n achieve my sky....
All Alone.....


Sunday, December 28, 2008

..god..!!..?? i need god..

what is god...sometimes i feel i should do something to find out more on this....n why do we need him so much..esp in all those times of hopelessness..despair....anger....?rather more in times of need and helplessness....what is it that really takes us there...may b not in a temple lk amitabh bachchan saying...khush to bahot hoge aaj types..but den from where does this concept of god has come?...per jisne bhi banaya bahot khoob banaya.....emotional catharsis ke liye to best hai....n out of that pouring people find the strength to fight back and head straight into the shining sun....going against the crashing waves and rising high....
